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We're getting high on electrons this week as aviation goes electric in New Zealand and around the world, the rise of the anti Elon Tesla Club, how Toyota could be the next Kodak after ignoring the rise of EVs, inside the struggle of a family-owned oil company and more marae add solar and batteries to prepare for emergencies.
Read moreDrive Electric chair Kirsten Corson explains the significant reduction in lifetime costs from buying an EV compared to signing up for an expensive and unpredictable petrol or diesel subscription.
Rewiring Aotearoa's Mike Casey joined Schneider Electric's Diana Ruiz Díaz to discuss the economic benefits of electric vehicles, smart residential charging and the essential role electricians will play in New Zealand's energy transition
Read moreIt may sound weird (and possibly illegal) but electrifying your friends and relatives is a good option, writes Mike Casey.
Read more2025 is off to an electric start, as BYD announces a big price drop for some models in Australia (and the country hits record EV sales in 2024), Kia goes electric for the Australian Open , Rafa does some electric surfing, and Mike Casey tows tonnes of electric cherries with his EV9, new research from Massey and Lincoln looks at the win-win of combining solar panels and agriculture, and why pay for an expensive, unpredictable fossil fuel subscription when you could lock in the savings (and emissions reductions) of going electric.
Read moreCasey's work demonstrating how electric technology that is available today can lead to more profitable businesses and his electrification advocacy work as CEO of Rewiring Aotearoa has earned him another title, this time the Otago Daily Times business leader of the year.
Read moreCharge your glasses for the last Electic Avenue of the year, with research from Australia showing areas with higher unemployment rates are more likely to seek out the cost savings and bill certainty of solar, residents of Thames protesting about high petrol prices are reminded that electricity is the cheapest fuel and rooftop solar is the cheapest electricity, the first Windrose electric truck has landed in New Zealand and the efficiency of electricity smashes the other options, why tradies will be the heroes of the energy transition (and have a big role to play in terms of recommendations) and a clever induction stove that doesn't require any wiring changes.
Read moreAs we conclude another rotation around that free nuclear fusion reactor in the sky, we’re looking back on a big year for Rewiring Aotearoa - and looking forward to New Zealand’s inevitable transition to electric machines powered by renewable energy.
Read moreFocusing on the emissions reductions at home through electrification is a major opportunity (and challenge) for Aotearoa NZ. Homes, farms, and businesses must play a role in driving emissions reductions through electrification and the potential must be recognised and addressed to our 2035 international climate change target.
Read moreRewiring Aotearoa believes we need to make better use of our existing infrastrucuture, see customers as an essential part of a 21st Century energy system and that electrification will lead to much greater energy security and resilience.
Read moreUsing heatpumps instead of fossil fuels is shown to save lives and money, Powerco's plea to its gas customers that they avoid reality, Paddy Gower visits a zero energy bills home, EV charging sees the light and takes to the streets, and the Popemobile plugs in.
Read moreRewiring Aotearoa's submission to the Electricity Authority on its Network Connections Project - Stage One is in and it is good to see the Authority practicing its statutory objective of protecting the interests of consumers.
Read moreFollowing the release of the Second Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP2), Rewiring Aotearoa is pleased the country is likely to meet its emissions budgets, but believes there is more the Government could do to help households, businesses and farms slash their fossil fuel consumption and contribute to the reductions required, and no need to rely on unproven technology or a few more decades of gas for electricity generation.
Read morePaddy Gower recently paid Forest Lodge a visit on his national tour and Mike Casey was featured as The Brainy Kiwi. Casey explains the problem he's trying to solve and why he believes generating your own energy and using it at the source is a much better and more efficient way to run our homes and businesses. Watch from 18m40s.
Read moreThe New Zealand Herald's Chris Keall (paywalled) has gone deep on the SolarZero collapse and, while there are still questions being asked about the public investment, Rewiring Aotearoa CEO Mike Casey says it was a business model failure and, just as Kodak didn't define the camera industry, this shouldn't define a sector or dent confidence in the technology. Energy Minister Simeon Brown also talked about a number of positive changes that will make it cheaper and easier to install rooftop solar.
Read moreLocals join forces to share economic and environmental benefits of going electric, first info stand planned for 19th December.
Read moreRNZ Afternoons host Jesse Mulligan interviewed Rewiring Aotearoa CEO Mike Casey about how the new household electrification calculator can help New Zealanders get off gas and petrol, how the finances stack up, and why SolarZero is a business model failure that has nothing to do with solar technology.
Lots of electric gifts under the tree this week as batteries keep getting cheaper, hydrogen still not the solution for light transport, cutting carbon with electric lawnmowers, how electric wallpaper can help get homes off gas, and solar powered hats, candy floss, festivals and maybe even movies.
Read moreNew advice to the Government should be heeded, but more focus is needed on homes, small businesses and farms.
Read morePlug in your info, see the savings, make it happen: new household electrification calculator makes power personal.
Read moreFocusing on the emissions reductions at home through electrification is a major opportunity (and challenge) for Aotearoa NZ. Homes, farms, and businesses must play a role in driving emissions reductions through electrification and the potential must be recognised and addressed to our 2035 international climate change target.
Read moreShareable linkDownloadRewiring Aotearoa believes we need to make better use of our existing infrastrucuture, see customers as an essential part of a 21st Century energy system and that electrification will lead to much greater energy security and resilience.
Read moreShareable linkDownloadRewiring Aotearoa's submission to the Electricity Authority on its Network Connections Project - Stage One is in and it is good to see the Authority practicing its statutory objective of protecting the interests of consumers.
Read moreShareable linkDownloadThe Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment opened consultation on a discussion document about amendments to the Electricity Safety Regulations to expand the permitted voltage range for electricity supply. Rewiring Aotearoa's submission believes changes are needed to prepare for the rapid adoption of customer energy resources, and electricity distribution companies need to be compelled to allow export limits to be increased.
Read moreShareable linkDownloadThe Department for Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Ministry for the Environment proposed a topic for a Long Term Insights Briefing entitled 'Everyone plays a part: building New Zealand’s resilience in the context of global trends and our unique natural environment'. Rewiring Aotearoa's submission says energy security and resilience, critical infrastructure failing and commodity/energy price shocks are especially important for Aotearoa NZ’s resilience to future challenges, and farms can also play an important role.
Read moreShareable linkDownloadOur ERP2 submission outlines what we think needs to be done to improve the Government's plan to reach our climate targets, electrify the Aotearoa New Zealand economy and build a fairer future energy system for New Zealanders that saves people money and does not leave anyone behind.
Read moreShareable linkDownloadRakiura / Stewart Island faces the highest electricity prices in New Zealand. Successive governments have funded report after report and numerous fly-in visits by Ministers have failed to change this situation for the local community. Rewiring Aotearoa believes the opportunity is to harness existing solar and battery technology to deliver significant cost-of-living savings and reduced emissions at scale via electrification on Stewart Island right now. With financed solar and batteries, electricity usage costs for residents could be halved without delay. Rewiring Aotearoa has been engaging with the local community, who have been sending us their power bills. On Saturday 27th April some of the Rewiring team visited Stewart Island (including Mike Rewi who has strong whakapapa to Stewart Island). What we are hearing from this community is many locals fear the proposals and the likely “preferred option” will be focused on replacing current diesel generators, not on reducing the cost of energy for consumers. Our proposal outlines Rewiring Aotearoa’s pitch for an alternative approach to develop a community-led energy solution for the Island.
Read moreShareable linkDownloadOverall, we encourage the Commission to think beyond competition merely as a driver for innovation, to consider the outcomes from innovation for the long term benefit for New Zealanders. Rewiring Aotearoa believes one such outcome from market innovation is supporting the electrification opportunity for Aotearoa New Zealand. The Commission has the opportunity to play an active role in driving this not just through the energy market, but also through the personal banking market. It is important that these functions are not seen in isolation, but as a system, to better realise the Commission's role in delivering on NZ’s emissions reduction plan, and 2050 Nationally Determined Contribution.
Read moreShareable linkDownload18 March 2024: New Zealand is one of the first places in the world where electric appliances and vehicles are now more affordable than their fossil fuel equivalents. A new report has shown that, on average, homes currently using gas appliances and petrol vehicles could save thousands every year if they went electric and got their electricity from a combination of rooftop solar, home battery and New Zealand’s already highly renewable grid.
Read moreShareable linkDownloadIn this future, consumer infrastructure needs to compete on a level playing field with traditional infrastructure – if a $10,000 battery on a consumer’s premises can provide the same service as a $20,000 supply-side asset (a network or generation investment), the consumer’s asset should be selected for the service. However, today there is a systemic bias towards traditional infrastructure largely because it is seen as significantly more ‘dependable’. There are a variety of historical reasons for this. Our primary context to this submission is that many of the assumptions and rationale for this bias are quickly falling away, and DPP4 provides a significant opportunity for the Commerce Commission (the Commission) to reset the assumptions and correct some of this bias.
Read moreShareable linkDownloadThe EA has the ability to take a leadership role in the energy transition on behalf of electricity consumers. Far more than the Commerce Commission’s oversight of EDBs investment plans, the EA’s network pricing workplan gives consumers agency in the development of the electricity system. When consumer agency is stifled, they will likely have significantly worse financial outcomes on their bills. Much of the necessary changes have been demonstrated already locally or overseas, and the remaining question is not if the changes are possible but if we as a nation will have the courage to implement them on the timeline required to drive better energy transition outcomes for consumers.
Read moreShareable linkDownloadFossil fuels for homes, transport and industrial processes make up the vast majority of the country’s total energy consumption. Electrifying the machines that use these fossil fuels means we will use more electricity but much less energy overall.
Read moreAn electrified energy system is actually full of opportunities for redesign, reuse, recovery and recycling. There are opportunities for innovators and entrepreneurs to generate value across the lifespan of every energy asset, not least the return of its components to the manufacturing cycle. To explore this further, Rewiring Aotearoa has partnered with Circularity, local experts in circular design and strategy, to explain what the circular economy is, how to integrate circularity into the design of energy systems, and the role of policy strategy to make it happen.
Read moreThere are no free lunches in energy. But some lunches are far, far cheaper than others. Electrifying everything will massively reduce the overall material and energy requirements of the global energy system. This can be said with high confidence. To be sure, renewable energy systems take materials and energy to build. But this is dwarfed by the mind-boggling scale of extraction, consumption and wastefulness of fossil energy.
Read morePeople sometimes talk about ‘carbon tunnel vision’ – that is, the single-minded pursuit of emission reductions at the sake of everything else. But this is the wrong way to think about electrification. It isn’t only about emissions (even though preventing the world from dangerous overheating is quite the co-benefit). It isn’t only about the tech or the kit: the rooftop solar panels, the batteries, the electrified appliances and vehicles. These are just the means to an end. Electrification is about people and it is a fundamentally better way to power our lives and livelihoods.
Read morePut your tongue on that battery, folks, because there's a groundbreaking pilot project in Australia that offers a glimpse at an electric future, a Wairarapa marae with solar and batteries is helping improve resilience after emergencies, solar farms are proving resilient to major weather events, fossil fuel gardening gear is getting the chop, golf courses are going electric and there's another beautiful electric caravan to drool over.
Read moreWe’ve got a focus on the flames in this edition of Electric Avenue, with Dunedin company Escea’s new electric (and holographic) fire, a battery induction stove that’s well-suited to the outdoors, some amazing electric fire trucks, the rise of all-electric stadia, why nuclear might be a good option (if you buy your own reactor) and battery prices drop by more than analysts expected.
Read moreAs David Hasselhoff almost sang, jump in my much cheaper and increasingly popular electric car and see why 96% of EV owners would buy a second one; the UK's last coal-fired electricity plant is switched off; the IEA's renewables report makes for good reading; a Rivian takes an unexpected trip down a river; and comedian Tim Robinson gives some helpful advice to climate change communicators.
Read moreGather round the heat pump, children, as we explore the big benefits of battery recycling, how customers giving up control can help the grid, a radical new plan for electric transport in Queenstown, big trucks, big chargers and big electric ferries, and a look at just what has been captured when it comes to carbon capture.
Read moreIn this week's e-party, gas in homes is dumb and electric homes are not, a simple solution for those who need to charge their EVs on the street, the wooden winds of change are blowing, and more electric tractor news (this time from the 1920s).
Read moreIt's all about the batteries in this week's electrification whip around. Big ones, small ones (but not uncomfortable ones), we love them all and an Aussie legend has developed an affordable way to run our homes with our EVs, a US startup is electrifying school buses and using them to help the grid, Lincoln University rolls out a new electric tractor, Meridian's storage solution is set to power 60,000 homes at peak times (and the company is also set to give away $1.2 million for community electrification projects), and global solar installs continue to exceed industry expectations.
Read moreThe rise (and savings) of hot water heat pumps, Fisher & Paykel creates a one-stop-electrification shop, thinking fast and slow on World EV Day, Tesla gets into the train game, Vessev's beautiful boat, Toyota's white elephant, and one positive aspect of keeping up with the Joneses.
Read moreWe've filled our electric boots this week with more good news for EV seekers as the upfront costs keep dropping, the EV that has been around the world about 50 times, grid-scale batteries are on the rise and the world's biggest one is equal to about 130 million laptop batteries, restaurants in New Orleans are being given solar panels to help the community out in case of hurricanes, and a spicy electricity-related letter to the editor.
Read moreA cornucopia of electrification optimism this week, with Ubco inking a big deal in Australia, FTN Motion also getting set to head across the Tasman, Octopus Energy's founder Greg Jackson on the new champ in energy town, David Wallace-Wells looks at what we will do with all our 'free' solar power, and Germany shows how loosening up permits for renewables has led to a huge and rapid boost of energy supply.
Read moreMore news, views and hullaballoos from the world of electrification, with a big event next week spelling out the economic opportunity for New Zealand; red states embracing solar and coppers embracing EVs in the US; Norway getting close to 100% on EVs; hydrogen cars sucking; Europe looking to the sky to get off Russian gas; and exciting news for e-bike entrepreneurs and explorers.
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